Old Crossleyans Association

We keep former pupils informed of old friends and recent activities of the school through our annual magazine “The Crossleyan", which contains contributions from both old and current scholars describing their adventures and memories. The school's archive has also provided some fascinating glimpses of our early school days and archive photographs are often included in the magazine.

Articles for the magazine are always welcome and should be sent to the secretary by early March. The magazine is sent out in early May.

We think that we have produced another interesting magazine this year.  Thank you to all who have helped by providing such varied content.  Thank you also to those who have taken the time to tell us how much they enjoyed reading this year’s edition.


If you would like a copy of the Crossleyan Magazine 2024, you need to subscribe to the Association Membership. Simply complete the Application Form which you can find on the right hand side of the Contacts page.


We are always actively seeking articles for the Crossleyan, so if you have an interesting tale to tell or would just like to let everyone know what you have been up to since leaving Crossleys, then please get in touch


Previous Magazine Articles


2017 - Veterinary Internship in South Africa (Laurene Lambert)

I am currently a final year student at the University of Leicester. I am studying Physiology and Pharmacology, which is as horrible as it sounds! Two years ago, I had a mid-university crisis, when I realised I wanted to study Veterinary Medicine. Instead of going out and buying a sports car, I took a year out. For the most part, I volunteered in local vet clinics, caring for animals and cleaning. Toward the end of my year out, I stumbled upon a vet internship at a game reserve in South Africa. The combination of travelling and gaining experience was ideal. Also, leaving the English winter behind to be in boiling hot sunshine is a no-brainer!


2017 - Contemporary Artist (Harriet Lawton)

Ex-student Harriet Lawton creates art pieces and design objects in textiles, ceramic and print, in response to objects and collections. Since graduating in BA (Hons) Embroidery in 2013, she has developed a strong practice as both an artist and an artist educator.


2017 - Better late than never (Miles Rucklidge)

In giving this account of my activities since coming to Crossleys, I wonder if I can claim the rather dubious record for the longest time between leaving school and joining the Old Crossleyans Association – 66 years! But better late than never.


2016 - A tribute to Sir Herbert Read (Alison Saldana)

The impact of teaching and learning at the grammar schools of Crossley and Porter and Heath and, latterly, the Crossley Heath School, over the past 150 years, has enabled numerous successful careers both in the Arts and Sciences. One of our most notable alumni is Sir Herbert Edward Read. Herbert Edward Read was born on 4 December 1893 in Yorkshire. He also died in Yorkshire in 1968. The contributions he made in those seventy years to literature, art, education, culture and political philosophy were immeasurable. He was the chief interpreter of modern art movements in Great Britain for much of the 20th century. Such artists, writers and sculptors as T.S. Eliot, George Orwell, Graham Greene, Pablo Picasso, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth and Ben Nicholson were greatly influenced by his work and were all counted as close friends. He founded the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and worked tirelessly for peace throughout the world with UNESCO.


2016 - The Devil's Disciple (Alan Thompson)

In the 2015 magazine there is a reference to the play ‘The Devil’s Disciple’ by George Bernard Shaw. I was a member of the cast of this production and here are a few memories from that time (March 1965).


2016 - Head Girl Five Years on (Beth Kerfoot-Roberts)

It came as a shock to learn that it has been five years since I left Crossley Heath School and my position as Head Girl there. The majority of those five years have been spent within the alternate reality known as university; years which have gone by so fast that my time at Crossleys only seems like very recent history.


2015 - The Mississippi Challenge (Ken Robertshaw)

Have you ever had one of those ideas that at first seems a little on the mad side but then starts to grow on you? To the point where you think it is normal but everyone else thinks it is (more than) a little on the mad side?


2015 - Peter Brown's School Days (Peter M Brown)

In the last edition of the Crossleyan my photo appeared twice in an article by Robert (Fred) Henderson, with a reference to me with the wrong name! There was an article too by Tony Pay, a name from the past, so I have been prompted to put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, to give my own reminiscences.


2015 - Miss Lazonby (Lesley Wood)

You will see several references to Margaret Lazonby in the 2015 edition. She must surely have been the oldest member of The Association before her death last year at the age of 103. Barbara Ingham has fond memories of her as a PE teacher and kept in touch with her for many years.


2009 - Skool Daze (Alan Robson)

Well, I mite have expected it. The game's up. They got me just when I thort I was safe. So here I am back at skool agane for a joly term chiz chiz chiz. (Nigel Molesworth)


2009 - 42 Years On (John Clarke)

Just over 42 years ago, I left Crossleys on the first of a dozen journeys across the globe. I had to pass via Leeds Polytechnic to do business studies and marketing diplomas and then spent a few months in the USA for Camp America before reaching Australia and the South Pacific islands.


2009 - It Was Col Innes's Fault Sir (Hazel Clayton, Andy Trotter)

If said silver-haired ‘Californian' gentleman had not done his article for the 2007 ‘Crossleyan', it might never have happened! I sat reading it and thought "It seems like only yesterday we had the 25 years on reunion and 2008 must be the 40th!" This time, I rang Hazel Clayton (neé Binks), an original 25th year reunion organiser and threw down the challenge "Is thee up for it lass?!". I think that's how you say it in Yorkshire. I've been 10 years in ‘Nu-castle' and 30 years in ‘Heart ford shire', so I cannot really remember! Anyway, Hazel seemed to know how to humour me and said she was "Up for it, if you are absolutely sure?!". She would ‘do' the girls, if I would ‘do' the boys.


2009 - Windsurfing (Connor Bainbridge)

My introduction to windsurfing began when I was about seven, and my dad got back into the sport after 15 years away from it with work and children. I used to stand watching him sail round a loch on an old board. It looked really cool. So the next summer, while my dad was windsurfing at Halifax Reservoir at Wainstalls, I got to ride on the back of his board and had a try myself. It was not totally successful, as adult sails are not quite the size for an 8 year-old. Finally, we got a beginner's board and, after three weeks of practice, I was getting the hang of it, a really great feeling. Halifax Sailing Club does not have any windsurf training, so I was self-taught and sailing with adults was the best way to begin.


2008 - Memories of Crossley House's Last Boarders (Dot Denton)

It was September 1954 when my life took a big change. My childhood had been a happy one, but my family received a severe blow when my father died in 1951. He had his own haulage business in Brighouse and as children we had been well looked after. My mother tried to keep the business going, but at that time haulage was a man's world which she found very hard. It was decided that my brother and myself should go as boarders to Crossleys in Halifax where we would be fed and educated for £10 per term. Nowadays many people do not realise that the orphanage continued after the war.


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